Australian Space Biology x Health Summit, 16-19 November 2021

Last year the ad astra vita project’s inaugural Space Health Symposium proved to be a great success, and this year we are very proud to be part of the Australian Space Biology x Health Summit, ASBX2021 – Human Future. The Summit will be held from 16-19 November 2021. It will be free and a hybridContinue reading “Australian Space Biology x Health Summit, 16-19 November 2021”

ABSX 2021″ “Human Future” – the website is live!

We are proud to announce that the website for ASBX 2021: “Human Future”, is now live! The Third Australian Space Biology x Health Summit will be held from 16-19 November 2021 as a free hybrid event. Visit the website to learn more, register for online and/or in-person attendance (one day event), or to consider sponsorshipContinue reading “ABSX 2021″ “Human Future” – the website is live!”